Would you like to support The Romanian American League?
The Romanian American League is supported by individuals, friends, organizations and businesses from various places from around the world. It is because your support, we can exist and grow.
Would you like to help support the Romanian American League’s charity activities? Get involved with Romanian American League Community Giving. Together we can do something positive for our Romanian American and International Community creating an impact that truly can make our life better.
If you think you have benefited from The Romanian American League organization, please consider making a donation (you will be redirected to a PayPal secure page).
Giving donations, it is the privileged way for the established and successful citizens to pay back to their community needs and help social and humanitarian programs.
Donations of any kind and size are gratefully accepted. Thank you!
Online Donations
Donations by Mail
For donations by mail:
Please mail your check to:
Romanian American League
2021 SW 70 Ave. Bldg. B2, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33317, USA
Make check payable to “Romanian American League”.
If you have any questions or problems with a donation you have already made or you have any questions in general about donations you can reach us at donate@roamleague.org